Leon "Lamabear" Krüger
  • 15.0 KDA
  • 5.9 CS/Min
  • 62.5% KP


Lamabear is a german League of Legends player hailing from Cologne, Germany, who started climbing the ladder in Season 3. He ended off season 2 in silver and finished in season 3 at Diamond 1. In season 4 people started to recognize him and he joined his first team "CC" (CrowndControl), where he went to the first offline event in his life. He finished this season in Challenger. He didnt stop playing competitive and joined a team at the start of 2015 named Euronics Gaming, where he played with some better known players like Satorius or Shantao. He also went to his second offline event and finished off as second place in the finals against mousesports at this split. After that did he start to play in a team with a german player called Broeki, who's also streaming. He wasnt really succesfull on that team, they didnt make it into the finals twice! After the year 2015 ended and season 6 started he improved alot he joined a team called "Mysterious Monkeys" with some veterans like Noway4u. Further on did he climb the challenger ladder hard and were able to join the top 15 for his first time ever!