Martin "Wunder" Hansen
Top Laner
  • 3.0 KDA
  • 7.9 CS/Min
  • 64.6% KP


Martin “Wunderwear” Hansen grew up in Ølstykke with his family and started playing video games with the release of World of Warcraft in 2004 when he was just 6 years old. The competitive urge started because of his older brother and never quite left Wunderwear, even after the two quit competing. It stuck with him as he picked up League of Legends and through Danish tournaments until the start of the Challenger Series. Now he has a 2015 Challenger Series Summer Split victory under his belt claimed while being just 16 years of age.

Wunderwear is a versatile top-lane player, capable of playing both carry and bruiser champions. His decisiveness allows him to capitalize on enemy mistakes no matter what champion he plays.